Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A day getting ready for winter 

 As the temps and the leaves start to fall it's clear that global warming old man winter is on his way....
Today I spent some time with a great old friend .... HYDRAULICS !!! As I get older it gets harder and harder to get done what I could when I wore a younger mans clothes.... But when you have hydraulics as a friend (not many folks like to lend a hand these days, the farming-homesteading preparedness life is hard work) it gets done !!!

With the help of my 'ol 52 and a log splitter I did get a little firewood put up....

I was able to get 4 of these boxes moved to the front of the house were they will get stacked on the porch for easy hauling to the woodstove .....

Had a few minutes to finish the new dog house .... This thing is made from old pallets ... It was thick enough to get a R-21 insulation value .... And the "permadogs" love it .....
We had an old truck bed liner laying around and we needed to keep the hay in the newly made goat feeder dry (goats don't like wet hay)...

And some more of the goats (because they make me smile!)

  Speaking of smiling .... These guys make me :) too ... The new adds to the flock (thanks Kevin)


 And people say we are strange to want to live like this ... It IS hard work .... Some one once said "Dirty hands and a clean soul" I like that !

More in the morning .... Stay safe out there !!!

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